Archive for Savings Accounts

705 Savings Techniques for 2025!


Is saving a New Year’s resolution for 2025? You don’t need to come up with a plan by yourself. The 705 team is here to help you succeed in the new year and make your financial dreams a reality. Whether your goal is to finally build up an emergency fund or buy a new car, we have the tools and team to help you get your finances where you want them to be. Below is list of ways to kickstart your financial goals!

  • Set SMART Goals: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound goals can make all the difference! Having trouble making a financial plan that fits your situation? Reach out to a 705 FCU Financial Counselor! Eight of the fifteen team members have a certified financial counseling designation to help you reach your financial goals.
  • ZOGO: 73% of Americans say they stress out about money. That’s why 705 Federal Credit Union is working with Zogo, a mobile app that rewards you so you can earn while you learn. Download the free app with code “705fcu” and start working towards financial freedom! Learn more at:
  • Pay Yourself First! According to a survey by GOBankingRates, 50% of Americans have $500 or less in their savings account. Set up an automatic transfer to your saving account every time you get paid. By saving $20 every two weeks, you would meet that $500 goal within a year.
  • Find the Right Savings Account for YOU! The credit union has several savings options based on your situation. If you are looking to get a jumpstart on saving for Christmas, our Christmas Club is the perfect option for your finances. Looking for an account to start saving for a rainy day? Our Super Green pays a higher dividend rate with more flexibility on withdrawals. Want a low-risk investment option? A Share Certificate could be exactly what makes sense for your finances. Check out our various savings account options and the dividend rates on those accounts.
  • Round Up Savings: Looking for ways to save? Automate your savings with Round Up Savings! This feature turns your spare change into savings. How does it work? Every time you use your debit card; the transactions are rounded up to the next dollar and transferred into your savings account. Meeting your savings goal is a call away. Call 337-232-8450 option 2 to turn on this feature!
  • Debt Consolidation Loan: Could consolidating several debts into one help you save money each month? Talk to a loan officer about this process! Our loan officers can help you save money each month AND come up with a plan for the future with free financial counseling.

Whatever your goals are for this year, the credit union is here to help!

7 Ways to Spring Clean for Extra Cash

a women going through her book case to donate unwanted books

Spring Clean for Cash!

When that first delightful spring breeze starts blowing, you know it’s time to get your house in shape.

The warmer weather and the brilliant sunshine pouring through your windows can fill you with boundless energy. You’re going to banish those dust bunnies! Every piece of useless clutter must go! You are on a mission to turn your home into a sparkling palace that is completely free of junk. 

But there’s more than just a neat house awaiting you at the end of all that hard work. Here’s how you can spring clean your way to riches – well, almost. You won’t become a millionaire from your junk, but you’ll put some spare cash in your pocket just by taking a few extra steps while clearing out the clutter. And that’s always a good thing! 

1.) Trade in your electronics 

Don’t throw out that digital camera or printer just yet! Gather all the old gadgets and devices you no longer use and bring them to your local electronics store. They’ll likely offer you a gift card for your treasures. 

Some larger chain stores, like Best Buy, even run a retail-collection program to help you responsibly dispose of your old electronics. You’ll earn a gift card that can help you save money on your next purchase.  

2.) Get cash at the consignment store 

Your outdated clothing from the ‘90s might just be someone else’s idea of high fashion today. We’re looking at you, neon jeans! Instead of filling your local dumpster, bring your old clothing to the neighborhood consignment shop and see what they’re willing to take. If you’re open to traveling a bit, you can search for consignment chains that might be a little further out, like Plato’s Closet for teens and 20-somethings; Clothes Mentor which resells designer clothing for all ages; and Once Upon a Child, a chain that specializes in children’s clothing and toys. 

You can also look up consignment shops online, like ThredUp, Tradesy or Poshmark. And if all else fails, there’s always eBay! 

3.) Trade in your video games 

If you’ve got a serious gamer at home who always needs the latest and greatest, consider trading in your old games at GameStop. You’ll get a store credit that will help support this relatively costly habit and you’ll get rid of that huge pile of video games at the same time!  

4.) Sell old books 

Books take up lots of room, and if no one’s reading them, why not get rid of them for good? Look up your closest Half Price Books locations and bring your collection over to them in exchange for a tidy sum. 

If you’ve got a stack of textbooks lying around, earn back some of the money you shelled out for them by selling them online on BookFinder, Cash4Books or eCampus. 

5.) Sell your expensive electronics 

If you’ve got some older smartphones or laptops that are in decent condition, they should be able to fetch you a pretty penny. Try selling your stuff on They offer free shipping, and once your item is officially logged by the company, you’ll get paid via check, gift card, or PayPal. It’s an easier, faster option than selling on Craigslist or eBay. 

6.) Get cash for unused gift cards 

Do you have a pile of gift cards you will never use? It’s time to get rid of the whole lot – and make some money on the side! There are loads of sites that offer a gift-card exchange service, and though you may not make back the full amount, you’ll usually land a decent offer. Besides, if these cards were originally given to you as gifts, any money you make off them is extra. 

Try your luck with your gift cards at, or to fatten up your wallet with greenbacks instead of useless cards. 

7.) Donate to charity 

Donating unused clothing toys, or electronics to charity might be the easiest way to get rid of clutter. You’ll be helping out a worthwhile cause and making someone else happy with your belongings. As an added bonus, donating goods to charity will earn you a tax deduction, so long as you keep your receipt. Thrift shop chains like Goodwill and the Salvation Army will happily accept clothing that’s in decent condition, all kinds of housewares, used furniture, toys, gadgets and more. 

You’ll be making someone else’s day and earning a tax break at the same time. 

Spring cleaning is a chore that’s gotta be tackled with lots of energy, time, and hard work. With a bit of extra planning, you can earn some cash in return for the work. 

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BRANCH HOLIDAY CLOSURE: 705 FCU will be closed in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday, January 20, 2025. Contact us with any financial needs!