705 Financials

705 Financials? See the Financial Strength of Your Credit Union!

Below are the 705 financials. These numbers help define the growth and size of 705 Federal Credit Union. If you have any questions, feel free to call 337-232-8450 or email us with specific questions. We are happy to break down the financial well-being of the credit union.

Financial Statement as of 10/31/2024


LOANS $31,964,850.12
LESS ALLOW FOR LOSS ($221,268.00)
CASH INV & OTHER ASSETS $13,582,326.78
TOTAL ASSETS $45,325,908.90


LIABILITIES $348,059.69
DEPOSITS $41,465,922.63
EQUITY $3,511,926.58
TOTAL LIABILITIES $45,325,908.90

calculatorFor more information on the financial statistics of 705 FCU go to the following website: http://www.ncua.gov. Once entered into the NCUA website–click on Credit Union Data and then Individual Credit Union data. The easiest way to find us is to enter our charter number which is 18749. Once you reach our information you will find the most recent financials submitted to NCUA (our governing body) are available with a click.

We are certain you will enjoy viewing the success of your credit union in clear figures that you can understand.


RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONY: 705 Federal Credit Union is thrilled to celebrate our building addition and renovation with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on Monday, February 10, 2025 at 10 AM! Learn more here.