Who Can Join

Who Can Join 705 FCU?

Employees of the following companies are eligible for membership:

United States Postal Service in the 705 Zip Code Area (1968)
Natural Resources Conservation Services (1972)
(Formerly “Soil Conservation Services”)
U.S. Department of Agriculture (1972)
(Including: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service, and the Grains Division)
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (1972)
U.S. Department of General Services Administration (1979)
Federal Aviation Agency (1979)
U.S. District Court (1979)
U.S. Marshall’s Office (1979)
U.S. Department of the Interior (1979)
(Formerly Minerals Management Services. Includes: Departments within U.S. Department of Geological Survey.)
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) (1979)
U.S. Congressman’s Office (1979)
LA Frey & Sons Inc.  (1988)
Lafayette Clerk of Court (1992)
Universal Equipment Inc. (1999)
Republic National Distributing Inc.  (2001)
(Formerly Magnolia Marketing Company and Republic Beverage)
Iberia Clerk of Court (2001)
Service Machine and Supply (2001)
Key Energy Services, Inc. (2001)
City of Carencro (2003)
(Including: the Carencro Fire Department, Police Department, and City Hall Employees)
L and L Lawn Care (2005)
B’s Auto Repair (2005)
Section 705 Security  (2005)
(Employees of Lafayette Sheriff Department who work regularly under contract for Section 705 Security)
Close to Home Daycare (2005)
Begneaud Manufacturing Inc. (2005)
Jenkins Medical Clinic (2005)
Let It Shine Detail Mobile Detail (2008)
Kid’s Corner of Christian Corner (2011)
Dialysis Clinic Inc. (2013)
(Locations: Crowley, Eunice, 2 offices in Lafayette, New Iberia, and Opelousas)
Flow Control Equipment (2014)
Flow Control Services (2014)
Piggly Wiggly (Scott, Rayne) (2014)
Cash Saver (St. Martinville) (2014)
Cross Grain Studio (2015)
Lewis Services Inc. (2015)
Jared The Galleria of Jewelry (2016)
Citizen Sitting Services (2017)
uBreakiFix (2017)
Dean-o’s Pizza (2017)
Dean-o’s South (2017)
Hose Source, LLC (2017)
Hooks CPA (2017)
Precision Engineering Solutions, LLC (2017)
Whitco Pump and Equipment, LLC (2017)
Lafayette Materials, Inc. (2017)
Rental Service Specialty (2017)
Coastal Machine & Supply, Inc. (2018)
Rotating Solutions Inc. (2018)
Industrial Blasting, LLC (2018)
Phillips Express Transports, LLC (2018)
Hospice of Acadiana (2019)
Don’s Automotive Group (2022)
Glorious Expressions Hair Salon (2024)
Moore Healthcare Group (2024)
SMILE Community Action Agency (2024)

welcomeMembership is also available to the spouses of employees of the above groups who died while within the field of membership, employees who retired from the above groups, as well as the family of current members. Employees of 705 Federal Credit Union as well as organizations belonging to any member are eligible for membership.

Details to become a 705 member:

  • Be an Employee of one of the above listed companies or have a family member who is a 705 member. Once a member, you can utilize all of our products and services.
  • Proof of Identity: Driver’s License and/or Social Security Card (for Youth Accounts)
  • $25 Cash or Check to open the account

If you fit into one of the above categories or group and would like to join 705 Federal Credit Union, please contact us either by telephone at 232-8450 or by e-mail at emily@705fcu.com.

Not Eligible to Become a Member of 705 FCU?
Consider Becoming a Partner!

If you are not eligible to join based on the list above your company could become one of our partners or Select Employee Groups (SEG.) A Partner or SEG Group is a business or organization that establishes a financial relationship with 705 Federal Credit Union.

Once an employee of a SEG Group becomes a member, their immediate family members are also eligible to become a member! Our credit union provides Select Employee Groups with various financial services (and financial education) to its employees as an added benefit. Are you interested in becoming a SEG Group?


RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONY: 705 Federal Credit Union is thrilled to celebrate our building addition and renovation with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on Monday, February 10, 2025 at 10 AM! Learn more here.